Wednesday 4 September 2013

Time capsule Disposal.

On the first day, foundation students were given a project to bring in ten items, representing something of their past, present and future. Then we all did a series of experimental sketches by touching our objects and drawing what we felt, Aswell as even tasting our objects and drawing what we tasted. A very quick experimental piece, one of my memorable pieces was my giant tabaco tins/pots that reminded me purely of my holiday in Barcelona with nine other girls, drinking cocktails all day in the sun and having massive pots of tabaco. I decided to roll up a cigarette and put it in my plastic bag time capsule as well as my A2 piece with all my sketches on it . I decided to burry it in my dads house in a plant pot outside, sentimental as in Barcelona i was surrounded by countryside and fields of flowers.

The pictures below reflect me disposing my past.

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