Sunday 8 September 2013

The Timeline of my Memory.

Part of our memory project was to grasp the concept of producing a timeline. This timeline defined all students past memorys of recording information from visiting exhibitions, our current state of how we feel, for example starting ravensbourne, meeting new people, and adventouring off and discovering our creative outputs over the week. 

A variety of artists were presented to us and how they have used timelines to record there progression throughout thier work. Cicerio a Roman Philosifer regarded timelines as a 'Treasure Bolt of invension", including artists like Andy GoldsWorthy who uses sculpture and Series of block images to replicate his timelines.
Or like the artist Richard Long who uses the ability to edit a journey of memories, using text. He gave me my first idea of jotting down all of my memories over the past week, and all of my summer memories combined and contrasted to how I felt then and how Im feeling now. For example I decided to record my new bus route which has completley changed my memory encounters from before to a whole new sense of direction, since I was 12 i had been getting the same bus routes to and from college where I new most stops, and every object or destination I passed I would remember as it became a very familiar encounter to me. However since starting ravensbourne at first I didnt even acknowledge the bus route as I was more focussed on how my feelings where to starting something so new and unfamiliar to me, but as the week had gone and things became less daunting, I became more relaxed and picked up on more of my surrondings for example taking the bus home. I decided to document my journey by taking a selection 
of photos on the bus.

My timeline inspiration came from my fascination with the clock work at the Victoria and Albert museum. The concept of clocks representing time and change, and how everything is always moving forward rather than backwards, just like the expansion of our memory but the past is still held on to. I did a few sketches of the clock work, which you can see below.

Afer my ideas had started to develope I thought about making a building block of a clock tower, having three parts to it. The lower block representing the past, the middle (Present), and top (Future).On the Number intervals this would be my thoughts and past present memorys according to wether it was on the past block, or future aspirations block. This seemed to be lacking in thinking out of the box basically- playing it to safe. Making it into a three dimensional clock in class as a quick experiment , representing my journey throughout change aswell as my memories as portrayed on the inside as if it were representing my brain. I had half an hour to put this together

After this we were put into groups for a group crit. Everyone said there pros and cons about their work, aswell as giving advice on how we could develope our timeline further. I was suggested to colour-cordinate mine reflecting my emotions and feelings. So the outside of the clock would be dark and disconected representing my memories as a whole, how they arn't quite accurate, but blurred and jumbled. Inside would represent my mind, boosting with colour reflecting all different types of emotions, having my past,present and future combined as three elements interlinking in the same way. I also decided to use coloured string hooked from each side panel to another connecting my memories in some way, like travel pathways of change.

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