Tuesday 17 September 2013

Fashion & Textiles - Third Week.

This week students focussed on a new topic which was Fashion and Textiles. We first explorded the techniques behind sample making where we were told to  create five miniture sculpture samples which could represent structure, texture, design, ect. The samples could be different and unique from each other, or a development of the first sample which may been based on structure by expanding and exploring it, aswell making it more striking.A slideshow was presented to us of a fashion student who is now studing at Westiminster, for some of his samples he based it on G-Ametric shapes which where quite symetrical and were also continuous multiples. We were given glue, scissors, brown,white and a few coloured sheets of paper to come up with five different samples. My samples turned out to be quite detailed and delicate, as I have always been intrested in accurate detail, more than simplistic objects or simplistic patterns.I also added some colour and created a variety of unusual shapes.These are my four sample pictures below.Overall  i enjoyed this sample experimentation as it let me be much more expressive with my imagination and my idea devlopment putting togther pieces I had created. Physical partaking made it fun, sticking and cutting up bits, litrally going crazy by using our imagination to make a creative piece.

A task which got all of the students hands on, and working togther in groups firstly broaderned our communication skills aswell getting to know different people and studying their work they had produced. We all picked one of the four objects we had created and expanded it by ten times the shape it originally was. After picking the second shape in to the left, everyone was put into groups and brought along their xtra large object plus multiples of the object, we all had the task of creating a garment out of our objects on the maninkins, of a particular word shouted out. For example, Sexy, Romantic, Gothic, Sad, Expressive ect. Using other peoples made parts continuously rotating. I thurerly enjoyed this task because it got my working hands on, aswell as really using my imagination to create a piece fitted to the word expressed. Heres a few pictures of the garments created by me and my group partner.

Experimentaion with design

Our second day consisted of designing, this involved us picking fashion silhouette out of magazines and using their figures to create a 3dimensional design on top. This was great fun, as i went quite abstract with my designs, making it quirky for instance using gold tissue paper and cutting aload of triangles to stick up from the garment. It did however look quite flat and had no shadow to it giving it more depth which would of improved it. Here are a few of my deisgns i did.

Designing a piece.

Our second task was also another fun experiment which made us get creatively involved. We photocopied ten images of a particular section of the body from a model ( I picked the head) and had to design on top of it. I went for cutting and sticking, giving it a three dimensional aspect, this was succesful as it gave it more texture. We then had to choose one of the designs and illistrate it, and make it on our last day of Tashion and Textiles. I decided to do th one which was edgy and which challenged me, but could also be acheived with little resources. I used Tin foil, Brown Baking paper, Green tring, and gold tissue paper for creating my Flamboyant Hat. It was so extravagant it looked like it be in a carnival festival.


This is the Deisgn I used for when I made the head piece.

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