Sunday 12 January 2014

Reconstruction & Deconstruction.

After the christmas holiday peeriod, a project was set out to research and gather materials for the concept of - Reconstruction & Deconstruction. Exploring various charity shops for clothes that where to do with, knit, evening wear, sports wear, Casual wear & tailoring. I picked various old clothes of mine which contained alot of lace on some some of my chosen garments aswell as picking knit wear from a charity shop which had quite alot of texture to it. I thought this would be quite experiemtnal and intersting to work with. Students where then asked to record and develope at least 20 design ideas using the bought garments and to then produce some developed and changed pieces of outfits deconstructing the garments and reconstructing them afterwards. For example parts of the sports wear connected with evening wear onto a manikin. This was exremeley enjoyable as playing around with all the clothing was most exciting unpicking shorts and making it into sleeves or a boobtube with cut lace from the evening wear. Aswell as experimenting with colour and seeing what works well togther, as I seemed to have a lot of navy wear. The pictures below represent my sketch book work and my design ideas for each of the cut garments I reconstructed togther. 


Another task given was to produce some cut out collages of our scanned in charity shop deconstructed garments and create unsual cut out shapes which didnt represent anything in particula. I produced these cuttings by joining the seam lines and other lines resembled by folded shapes creating the most bizzare outlines. These five images below are from my sketch book.


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